Tuesday, December 15, 2009

PiG Paper..Que? Donde?

So my PiG paper is due thursday and to be quite honest, I'm not that nervous about it. For the first time (academically) I stood on my own two feet, and did it on my own, and what a time to start, senior year. I have terrible anxiety problems, and when it comes to papers, I usually stress more than I should, but this time, I took my time and didn't wait to the last minute. I broke it down step by step and did the work, and now, for the first time in a long time, I'm quite proud of myself. There are some people who have yet to start the paper, and I can relate to them. I've been that person for too long, and I found that being in that scenario makes me uncomfortable, sick, angry, annoyed, and extremely upset. I get a weird feeling on my shoulders, like a weight, and the worst part is, I know it can be avoided, so I get really angry at myself for letting myself for winding up in that position. But this time around, I have a job, a giant paper, christmas is around the corner and I need to buy presents, the anniversary of my Uncle's death and the death of my godmother's mom, Annie. You would think all these things would make me not even approach a computer with microsoft word on it, but I'm proud to say, I plan on finishing my PiG paper tonight and when I do, I'll feel more accomplished then ever before.

For everyone who is and will be writing the PiG paper, just remember this, IT'S JUST A PAPER! Stop worrying so much! Break it down like I did, and you'll avoid weeks of stress. Just because it's a graduation requirement doesn't make it life or death. Try and get it for 1st semester because if you do fail it, which I doubt, you'll have second semester to write again and make sure you don't make the same mistakes. Make goals for each time you go to work on your paper! My goal is to finish it tonight and my goal for tomorrow is to edit it and fix up little things here and there. Just don't stress. Relax. Relax. Relax. Relax. RELAX. Xaler. Relax. Relax. Relax. Relax.

"My pro-creator I have warned thee of my prophecy. Until that day, stand your fucking ground. My pro-creator, stand your fucking ground."
Artist: WhiteChapel Song: Father of Lies
(For Jack Morrow)

Come on children
You´re acting like children
Every generation thinks
its the end of the world
Artist: Wilco Song: You Never Know


  1. I did things early for college applications, but not for the PiG paper. I still have to start it. I'm so jealous of how you (and other people) are done or close to done.

  2. About half cooked.
    I think part of it is that no one is pushing me to write one. Teacher's not going to be worried, my parents don't push me that way.

  3. My mom has been on my ass about it since summer, she hasn't seen it yet, and to be honest, I have no interest in showing her my paper. As far as I'm concerned, it isn't even my paper, it's a paper for Bolen. I'm finishing up my last interest group and then going to the government part, then the conclusion. It's not that hard, it's like Luke said, "it's a matter of it getting done".


Do me a solid