Monday, September 28, 2009

The Bauhaus...

The Bauhaus was created in Weimar in 1919. It was created by the German Architect, Walter Gropius. The Bauhaus combined architecture, painting, and sculpting into one. Combining the fine arts and education in the arts, The Bauhaus was the perfect combination of learning and creativity. Some teachers were, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, and Josef Albers. Special workshops were set up for students learning about the Bauhaus theory such as, metalworking, cabinet making, weaving, pottery, typography, and wall painting.

The school moved from Weimar to Dessau, where a new building was designed that housed many features that would be a part of modern arcitecture such as, "steel-frame construction, a glass curtain wall, and an asymmetrical, pinwheel plan, throughout which Gropius distributed studio, classroom, and administrative space for maximum efficiency and spatial logic." -Alexandra Griffith Winton.

(more to be added)

Comm Center

Friday, when we went to the community center and partnered up and did the blindfold exercise (running across the stage) it was weird. At first, of course, I was nervous and I didn't trust anyone holding my arm and hand running me across the stage, but after a while I realized that I each time I ran across the stage, I hadn't hit into anyone once, or fall down, so I started to pick up the pace. I also became more comfortable with the people running me across the stage the first round because it was the older STACies, with whom I have a history with and solid relationship with. And even after them, I trusted who ever guided me across the stage, because I trust all of your intentions, sink or swim.

Then, Michelle and I partnered up, and I started off the exercise by giving her the tour first. I thought it was funny at first, but after a while, there were less and less things for her to touch around the building, and it became a matter of me trying to make the most of it...I put Michelle's hand in dirty water. She wiped the water on me, quite a back fire.

When Michelle took me around, she made it more fun then I did. She brought me outside to a playground where kids couldn't have been too far, and talked me through going down a slide. I had no idea what I was going to do on the playground at first until I finally started going down the slide, probably the coolest thing to happen that day. After that day I feel that Michelle and I developed a weird trust between one another and I'm glad it happened.

Thanks for getting me down a slide blindfolded.

"With all your lies,
You're still very lovable." -Bon Iver

Monday, September 21, 2009

Poem 9/21/09

I could never leave you,
not in the orchard.
Where crows sing,
and winds pick up.
Where I can leave my body,
to lie with leaves,
ignoring clouds.

When Autumn pulls at layers,
and layers pull to the ground,
and your shoes are off,
and skin is in the air,
only to be caught,

To run.
To run across a limit,
and not even sigh.

Only to wind up in the orchard.
Where I'd never leave you,
but I'm sure you'd understand if I did.

Had I done so,
there could be no forgiveness for my actions.

Envious of your limitless ground,
as I retire to another ground,
only a yard long,
empty driveway.

Rilke Poem

I decided to take Rainer Maria Rilke's poem, To Say Before Going To Sleep, and take lines that I liked and shorten them and re-arrange them and make my own poem out of the poem. I was having difficulty coming up with my own version of the poem, I'm currently in a block, it sucks. Well, enough babble, here's my Rilke.

Clocks are striking,
the house.
Strange dog, wakened.
Eyes hold you gently,
or wake.

The night outside was cold,
beyond that,
I sing someone to sleep,
and listen to you,
outside the world.

I loved this poem because it expresses one of the most intimate things in this life, falling asleep with another person. There is nothing in this world that is more intimate than sleeping (not sex) actually falling asleep in the same bed with someone you love. There's something to be said about retiring to a bed with the one you love, and there's nothing to say, there's nothing that can be said properly. And the more I think about it, the more it makes me want to write. My next post will be a poem, right on the spot too. Those are the best poems.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Upcoming Seasons...

I can't wait for the upcoming seasons, they influence my work heavily. They're so important to me that thinking about them makes me sad knowing they'll be gone eventually, but again, only to come again. Weird, I know. Nature is another big role in my work, I'm heavily influenced by Fall and Winter. Summer, for me, is my time to hibernate from art, and when Fall and Winter come around, I'm ready and I do my best to re-invent myself, mainly just maturing in my work.
I don't know where it all started, maybe last year, in English. I'm an English nerd, I openly admit it. But my class last year was just so great. I had a relaxed environment, great teacher, great music, and I was finding myself, (for the first time), it was great.
My class had a giant window letting you see into the other courtyard that no one uses except my teacher's class and the out door ed classes. You could see everything. Like the world was just strewn out in this great place, and instead of only seeing it, you could be in it. We watched a nest over a course of some time, maybe a month, and when we found the hatched eggs, it was something special. We even had a bird come in our class, and through many failed attempts, we finally got it out and just laughed.

I miss that class.

I've got so much on my mind. I keep thinking about the city and how I can make it fun for the newbies that hang with me for the day, but nothing crazy is popping into my head yet, sorry.

New Jersey is the worst place in the world.
New Jersey is the worst place in the world.
New Jersey sucks.
Go back to Seattle and rest. This is one of my favorite songs, and this video made by film students (I assume) is just right for this song. If you listen to it, send me your favorite line in a comment, this song is too perfect, you're guaranteed to love it.

"I'll be the phonograph that plays your favorite
Albums back as you're lying there drifting off to sleep...
" -Brand New Colony by The Postal Service

Jesse, Pot Pie.

1 pound of Jesse's thighs (preferably cubed)
1 can of gravy for basing
Vegetables (your choice of vegetables) about half a pound, mix in with thighs
Noodles (Campbell's chicken noodles noodle) 
Place cover of pie crust on top of the ingredients 
Bake for 20 to 30 minutes 
Cook until brown

yum, yum Jesse, yum, yum.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pictures of you.

My computer won't let me upload the pictures of all of you, I apologize. If it's possible, I'd see if I could do it in front of the class, if not, I understand, too much work, too little time.

Yesterday in STAC, when we were painting, I was impressed by the newbies and their work. Water color painting seems elementary at first and extremely frustrating (your first 10 creations will not be what you want them to be, trust me) you develop your own technique and you start making great stuff. When I start painting it's either really fast and I'm on a roll, or I get too frustrated and do my best to shut off my mind and eventually get to work.


I've decided that I want to venture into the world of painting this year, I'm bored with just writing and music. This is STAC. Remember, you can do WHAT EVER discipline you want to in STAC, your not stuck with the one you chose.

I have a muse.

So with that being said: eat, sleep,

"I've been rapping for about seveteen years okay?
I don't write my stuff anymore I just kick it from my head
You know what I'm sayin?
I can do that
No disrespect, but that's how I am" -Seventeen by Ratatat

Monday, September 14, 2009


Some things you ALL should see/know.

First off, a bassist who inspired me to start playing bass was in a car accident last November and has been in and out of a coma for a while. His name is Chi Cheng, and is one of many influences in my life, thus I've been playing more music than I ever have. (it's random, but you should know)

My favorite poem in the whole world, written by my favorite Poet in the whole world.

Allen Ginsberg is the foundation to my work, you take away Allen from me would be like taking away all my bones. And while you're on the site, look me up on the search, some of my old poems are up, perhaps I'll add more here.

"And Z100's on, and Z100's on, and Z100's on" -Miley Cyrus