Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pictures of you.

My computer won't let me upload the pictures of all of you, I apologize. If it's possible, I'd see if I could do it in front of the class, if not, I understand, too much work, too little time.

Yesterday in STAC, when we were painting, I was impressed by the newbies and their work. Water color painting seems elementary at first and extremely frustrating (your first 10 creations will not be what you want them to be, trust me) you develop your own technique and you start making great stuff. When I start painting it's either really fast and I'm on a roll, or I get too frustrated and do my best to shut off my mind and eventually get to work.


I've decided that I want to venture into the world of painting this year, I'm bored with just writing and music. This is STAC. Remember, you can do WHAT EVER discipline you want to in STAC, your not stuck with the one you chose.

I have a muse.

So with that being said: eat, sleep, http://ffffound.com/

"I've been rapping for about seveteen years okay?
I don't write my stuff anymore I just kick it from my head
You know what I'm sayin?
I can do that
No disrespect, but that's how I am" -Seventeen by Ratatat


  1. i just got very lost look at ffffound. The designs are so beautiful, and so dead-on. I love the giant elephant and the floor made of scales.

  2. ffffound is beautiful. i've never seen it before.
    it's...awesome. i don't know what else to say,


Do me a solid