Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Right Now

-I have two tiny blood blisters on the left side of my middle finger on my right hand.
-I'm pretty hungry.
-I'm contemplating popping said blisters.
-I wish I was playing a piano right now.
-I think theres some chicken parm in the fridge, but then I'd have to get up and wake up my cats who are sleeping right up against my sides.
-I started wearing my glasses again like I'm supposed to.
-This school year is almost over and it was by far the scariest thing for me to face ever.
-I'm fighting again with my old group of friends and I'm expecting to be jumped by said group but, I'm not even worried.
-I want to visit STAC at LEAST once more before school lets out for the you guys.
-this was a pretty big year (musically) for myself. I really cracked down with some guitar techniques, got a lot better at drumming, and learned piano (not my typical half-assed version of learning an instrument, but rather, really took the time to learn and practice)
-I've let some work slip by me and I can't say I'm happy.
-These blisters are killing me.

---> I'm going to eat that chicken parm now.