Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jill's Idea

So on my last post, I talked about a weird dream I had. Jill suggested that I go on dream dictionary website. I went on and looked up things that show up quite a bit in my dreams, here is what I found.

Perpetual Motion
To dream of perpetual motion, indicates that you are experiencing general anxiety and nervousness over a situation. You may desire a change from the repetitive and/or predictable behavior from your job, relationship or daily life.

In certain dreams I have, I'm punching someone or something (I'm typically a very passive person) and I feel like there is some sort of force holding me back from letting me throw a full punch, and it's frustrating as hell.

To sing in your dream, represents happiness, harmony and joy in some situation or relationship. You are uplifting others with your positive attitude and cheerful disposition. Singing is a way to celebrate, communicate and express your feelings.

In the dream I had recently, I was singing (screaming) along with the lyrics, but I wasn't mic'd. I was playing and singing along in the excitement of playing.

To dream that you are in a fight, indicates inner turmoil. Some aspect of yourself is in conflict with another aspect of yourself. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your waking life

This goes along with the punching. I'm stressed and it's mainly with myself. I want to be a better person but I constantly find myself being the person I want to run from when I'm with my friends.

To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted. If you find a baby in your dream, then it suggests that you have acknowledged your hidden potential. If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it suggests that you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities; You do not want to let others know of your weaknesses. If you dream that you are on your way to the hospital to have a baby, then it signifies your issues of dependency and your desire to be completely care for. Perhaps you are trying to get out of some responsibility. If you are pregnant, then a more direct interpretation may simply mean that you are experiencing some anxieties of making it to the hospital when the time comes.�

Not too long ago, I had a dream that I had a baby. I simply had a baby in my arms, I was a father and I didn't seem to mind at all. It almost seemed like nothing new to me.

To dream that you are hitting your father. represents a desperate need for greater closeness with your father. You feel that he is not listening to you. In particular, if you are hitting your father with a rubber object, indicates that whatever you are doing or telling him has no significant effect on him. Things just literally bounces off him.

Just so everyone knows: my parents are divorced. My father and I went our separate ways, I mean complete opposites. My father and I actually have a strong dislike for one another, and because he isn't in my life, I constantly attach myself to older male figures. Almost every male companion I have that's older than me is treated like a father and their lessons are kept in my head and are constantly used. My dad didn't support me as an artist. He thought writing was something girls did and music was ok, if it was guitar, which I don't play (well). I've been a let down to him as he to me.

If you play a musical instrument in your waking life, then the dream may serve as a rehearsal to improve your technique.

I suppose it makes sense, but I wish I knew why I was crying and playing, it's still bothering me quite a bit.

To dream that you are watching a musical, indicates that you need to be careful not to get carried away by your emotions

Not too long ago, I had a dream Into The Woods was up again, but playing in the gym. In my dream, Luke told me to "take over" because he had to go somewhere, so I directed the play and was sitting in the bleachers waiting with excitement to see the show. Out of no where during the show, something like that of a monster showed up, and I had a severe nervous breakdown/panic attack. Silly, I know. But every night when the show was up, I'd go, and the monster thing would come back and I would repeat the breakdown.

To�dream that you are chased or followed by a monster, represents aspects of yourself that you find repulsive and ugly. You may possess some fears or some repressed emotions. Try to confront the monster in your dream and figure out who or what aspect of yourself the monster represents.

Woah. I may have some things I need to sort out on my own.

To see your brother in your dream, may symbolize some aspect of your relationship with him. It can also serve to remind you that someone in your waking life has certain characteristics/behavior similar to your brother's.

A lot of people have my brother Anthony's shitty cliche sense of humor that I simply can't stand. It's really annoying and every "zinger" you have to offer is so predictable. Thank GOD there isn't anyone in STAC like this.

To dream that you are punching someone or something, represents hidden anger and aggression. It may also be a symbol of power and your ability to draw strength from within yourself.
To dream that you are unable to throw a punch, indicates that you are feeling helpless. You may have self-esteem and confidence issues.

This is very true. My confidence can either be REALLLLLLY low or at a median. I've realized recently where my confidence level is at regarding girls. When I first started dating my girlfriend, I felt that if anything went wrong, I would be able to have the confidence to ask out another girl like nothing had ever happened. If something were to happen now, I'd be broken because I've realized how much of my life is now related to my girlfriend and I FEEL (KEYWORD, FEEL) that I could never find anyone else. Again, it's simply a feeling, not a reality.

So these are the most reoccuring things in my dreams and what I found is really interesting. Thank you, Jill for giving me the idea to look up my dreams. It all makes (some) sense.

Further: There's a song by a weird band Leah Pupkin and I like called Andrew Jackson Jihad called Daddy Didn't Love Me that totally explains (oddly) my father and I's relationship. Here are the lyrics, please don't take them too seriously.

Well, once when I was eight
everything was going great
until my father, he tried to kill me.
By the time that I was nine,
my daddy was doing time,
and my mother had enlisted in the army.

I wish my father had loved me more.

By the time was that I was ten
my dad's life was going to end
'cause he was going on ninety.
By the time I was eleven
my daddy was up in heaven
in the clouds, staring down at me.

And I can't help but miss him even though he hit me everyday.
And he tried to hang me with a belt once.
And he took nude photographs of my body.

And by the time that I was twelve, I had made my first million.
And by the time that I was fourteen, I had found the cure to cancer.
And by the time that I was fourteen, I was the president of the country
And by the time that I was fifteen, I was the champion of the world.

So I'm glad my daddy didn't love me.
And I'm glad that he tried to kill me.
And I'm glad he took those pictures of me.
I am glad my daddy didn't love me,
I said I'm glad my daddy didn't love me


  1. Hmmm. The worst dreams always had "trying to punch and not being able to". Glenn once gave me or Tommy interesting dream advice: if you listen to dream dictionaries, only listen with a bias ear. Your dreams can only be explained by you.

    The best dreams are the running dreams, exhilarating because of the chase. The best dreams have those raw emotions. The best dreams are being lost in a school, aiding a kidnapping and knowing it's wrong, solving mafia crimes.

  2. WOW! This is the war and peace of blog posts thus far. Most excellent. I love all the research you did on dreams, how you tied it all into your life. If this wasn't so personal I'd make it a college essay. Awesome.

    Can we find a cool project to come out of this???

  3. yay! Glad to helpp :] This is an awsome post thoughh


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